The 97ZB0004 Mud Flow Sensor is a paddle type sensor that monitors mud flow through the return line. The sensor is mounted on the return line with the paddle extending into the mud flow. Deflected by the force of the mud flow, the paddle drives a potentiometer which produces a DC analog signal that is proportional in amplitude to the position of the paddle. This voltage can be used to monitor, display and record mud flow information.
The Mud Flow Sensor has sealed oil impregnated bushings for reliable operation, an adjustable paddle arm for fitting to various sizes of flow lines, and is certified for use in Class I Groups B, C & D; Class II Groups E, F and G Locations.
The 97TA0006 Mud Flow Sensor is a paddle type sensor that monitors mud flow through the return line. The sensor is mounted on the return line with the paddle extending into the mud flow. Deflected by the force of the mud flow, the paddle uses a Hall Effect sensor with a variable target to produce a 4 to 20 MA analog output that is proportional in amplitude to the position of the paddle. This current output can be used to monitor, display and record mud flow information. The Mud Flow Sensor has sealed oil impregnated bushings for reliable operation, an adjustable paddle arm for fitting to various sizes of flow lines and is certified intrinsically safe as a Group II, Category 1G Protection class EEX ia IIC T6 device according to EN 50020 KEMA 03 ATEX 1122 X.